Policies and Safeguards
The policies and institutional safeguards, developed and adopted in 2015-2017, establish the working principles that underpin the increasing efficiency of our actions. These principles are formally expressed by the following documents and procedures:
- Code of Ethics
- Investment Policy Statement
- Confidentiality Policy Statement
- Good Governance Indicators
The Protected Areas Act, 2011, Section 108, requires that the Board of Trustees appoint a reputable, external, independent auditor to audit the accounts of the Trust annually. Since its operations began in 2014/2015, PAT has undergone annual independent external audit, and every year our statements have been approved without reservations.
Our demonstration of accountability is presented with the independent auditor’s report and explanatory notes issued by TSD Lal & Co. every year.
Annual Reports
PAT is also in compliance with the Protected Areas Act, 2011, Section 110 (2), which requires that the Minister lays the accounts and annual report before Parliament within two months of receiving them from the Board of the PAT every year.